"Embrace Eco-Minimalism for a Sustainable Future" 

"Let's heal what we have broken!"

Eco-minimalism is a lifestyle that combines the principles of minimalism with environmentalism, aiming to reduce one's environmental impact by simplifying their life and limiting their material possessions to what they truly need and use. This lifestyle has evolved to become a powerful tool to reduce the environmental impact while not drastically changing one's way of life. It encourages people to adopt sustainable and eco-friendly practices, such as using environmentally friendly alternatives, reducing waste, and being mindful of the impact of their actions on the environment. Eco-minimalism can be achieved by reducing the amount of physical possessions one has and adopting a reductive approach to modern life by prioritizing and filtering out daily noise and clutter. The goal of eco-minimalism is to live a more sustainable and mindful life that is in harmony with the environment while not compromising one's quality of life. 


Hello Everyone!

I have been practicing eco-minimalism since 2015. As an eco-minimalist, my philosophy revolves around simplicity and the concept of "less is more." I am passionate about being thoughtful about what I need on a daily basis and only buying what I need in the present moment.

Over the past 8 years, I have become more conscious of my daily habits and have made significant changes to reduce my environmental impact. I have found that my minimalist lifestyle has given me more freedom to focus on the things that truly matter to me, such as spending time with my loved ones and pursuing my hobbies.

In terms of my professional experience, I have worked in various industries and fields, including Environment Management, HRM, and Project Management. Throughout my career, I have consistently applied eco-minimalist principles in my work, advocating for sustainable practices and reducing waste wherever possible. I have also actively sought out opportunities to work with organizations that share my values and have a commitment to environmental responsibility.

Overall, my experience has taught me that eco-minimalism is not just about decluttering and reducing material possessions. It is a mindset that informs all aspects of my life, from my daily routines to my professional pursuits. I am excited to continue on this journey and inspire others to join me in creating a more sustainable future.

Thank You !

Dilini Indunil Samarajeewa

What is minimalism ?

Minimalism is about prioritizing what is most important and letting go of what is extraneous or distracting, in order to create a simpler, more meaningful and fulfilling life.

A minimalist is someone who advocates for a simple, pared-down lifestyle that focuses on the things that are most essential and meaningful. This can refer to various aspects of life, including material possessions, work, relationships, and personal habits.

In terms of material possessions, a minimalist seeks to own and use only what is necessary and brings value to their life, while reducing clutter and minimizing waste. This can involve decluttering and organizing their living space, and being intentional about what they choose to purchase and keep. 

Dilini Indunil Samarajeewa

But.....Minimalism is a subjective concept.

Minimalism can mean different things to different people. At its core, minimalism is about simplifying your life and focusing on what is truly essential, but the specific ways in which people practice minimalism can vary widely.

For some, minimalism may mean living with as few possessions as possible, while for others it may mean simply being more intentional about the things they own and consume. There is no one right way to practice minimalism, and the boundaries and lines between what is and is not minimalist can be blurry.

Ultimately, it is up to each individual to define what minimalism means to them and to find a minimalist lifestyle that works for their unique circumstances and preferences.

The 8R recycling concept is a framework that emphasizes the importance of reducing waste and maximizing resource conservation. The 8Rs stand for:

By following the 8R recycling concept, we can reduce waste, conserve resources, and contribute to a more sustainable future for ourselves and future generations.

The best ways to start on the path to eco-minimalism

Minimalism is not just about owning less - it's also about consuming less, which is where eco-minimalism comes in. One of the best ways to start on the path to eco-minimalism is by decluttering.

Decluttering is the process of getting rid of the things you no longer need or want. It's about simplifying your life and making room for the things that matter most. And when you declutter, you're not just creating physical space - you're also reducing your environmental impact. By getting rid of possessions you don't want or need, you can save space, money, time, and effort. Possessions require storage space, which can be costly and time-consuming to maintain. They may also require maintenance and upkeep, which can be both costly and time-consuming. If you have possessions that are not playing a significant role in your day-to-day life or add value to your life, it's important to consider the return on investment (ROI) of those possessions. If the ROI is low or non-existent, it may be better to get rid of those possessions to free up space and resources. By doing so, you can save money on storage costs, maintenance expenses, and potentially earn money by selling or donating unwanted possessions. Additionally, you can save time and effort by not having to manage and maintain those possessions. Overall, the idea is to be intentional about the possessions you keep and to prioritize those that add value to your life, while letting go of those that don't. 

Here are some reasons why decluttering is the start to eco-minimalism:

When you declutter, you're getting rid of things that you no longer need or want. This means that those items won't end up in a landfill, where they'll take up space and potentially harm the environment. Instead, you can donate, sell, or recycle those items, giving them a new life and reducing waste.

Every item you own requires resources to produce, package, and transport. When you declutter, you're reducing the demand for those resources. This means that fewer resources will be used to produce and transport new items, which helps to conserve natural resources and reduce your carbon footprint.

When you own less, you spend less. You don't need to buy as much, and you don't need as much space to store your belongings. This means that you can save money on everything from rent and storage fees to grocery bills and shopping expenses. And when you're not constantly buying new things, you're also reducing your overall consumption and impact on the environment.

Decluttering can help you become more mindful about what you consume. When you take the time to evaluate your belongings and decide what to keep and what to let go of, you're forced to confront your own consumption habits. This can help you become more conscious of what you buy in the future and make more sustainable choices.

Decluttering is a powerful tool for anyone who wants to start living a more eco-minimalist lifestyle. By reducing waste, conserving resources, saving money, and promoting a more mindful approach to consumption, decluttering can help you simplify your life and make a positive impact on the planet. So, take some time to evaluate your belongings and start decluttering today - your planet ,and your wallet will thank you.

The step-by-step process for decluttering your home.

Decluttering your home can be a daunting task, but breaking it down into smaller steps can make it more manageable. Here is the step-by-step process for decluttering your home:

Before you start decluttering, define your goals. What do you want to achieve through decluttering? Are you looking to create more space, simplify your life, or reduce your environmental impact? Having clear goals in mind can help you stay motivated throughout the decluttering process.

Choose a starting point for your decluttering efforts. It's usually best to start with an area that is causing you the most stress or that you use frequently, such as your closet, kitchen, or living room.

Create a sorting system to help you categorize your belongings. You can use a simple system of "keep," "donate," "discard", "sell," or "recycle."

Begin sorting through your belongings one at a time. Take everything out of the space you're decluttering and sort each item into your chosen categories. Be honest with yourself about what you need and what you don't. If you haven't used an item in a year or more, consider letting it go.

Once you've sorted through your belongings, get rid of the items you no longer need. Donate items that are in good condition to charity, recycle items that can be recycled, and dispose of items that can't be reused or recycled.

Organize what's left in a way that makes sense to you. Group similar items together, store frequently used items within easy reach, and put items that are used less frequently in storage.

Repeat the process for each area of your home. Take your time and don't try to tackle everything at once. Breaking the process down into smaller tasks can make it more manageable and less overwhelming.

By following these steps, you can declutter your home and create a more organized and stress-free living space. Remember to stay focused on your goals and be kind to yourself throughout the process.

Discover how the 5S method can help you declutter your living environment  

The 5S method is a system used in lean manufacturing to improve efficiency and productivity, but it can also be applied to decluttering your home. The 5S stands for Sort, Set in Order, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain (in Japanese Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu ans Shitsuke) . Here's how you can use the 5S method to declutter your home:

The first step in the 5S method is to sort through your belongings. Take everything out of the area you want to declutter and sort each item into three categories: keep, donate, and discard. Be honest with yourself and only keep the items that you really need or that bring you joy.

After you've sorted through your belongings, it's time to set things in order. Group similar items together and put them in a designated place. Use storage containers or organizers to keep things neat and tidy. Make sure to label everything so you can find what you need easily.

The next step in the 5S method is to shine, which means to clean and organize your space. Take the time to thoroughly clean the area you're decluttering, and make sure to clean and organize any storage containers or organizers you're using. This step will help you maintain your newly organized space and prevent clutter from building up again.

Once you've organized your space, it's important to standardize your system so that everyone in your household knows where things belong. Create a system for storing items and make sure everyone is on board with it. This will help prevent clutter from building up again.

The final step in the 5S method is to sustain, which means to maintain your newly organized space. Make it a habit to put things back in their designated place after using them, and periodically go through your belongings to make sure everything is still needed and organized properly. This will help you maintain a clutter-free home in the long term.

By using the 5S method, you can declutter your home and create a more organized and efficient living space. Remember to take your time and be patient with yourself throughout the process.

Happy World Environment Day 2023 - #BeatPlasticPollution 

World Environment Day 2023 is an international day dedicated to raising awareness about environmental issues and promoting global action for the protection of the environment. It is celebrated annually on June 5th and is organized by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). This year, the host country for World Environment Day 2023 is Côte d'Ivoire, in partnership with the Netherlands

World Environment Day has been celebrated since 1973 and has grown to become the largest global platform for environmental outreach. Millions of people across the world participate in various activities and initiatives to support environmental sustainability. The day serves as an opportunity to engage individuals, communities, organizations, and governments in environmental advocacy, education, and action.

The celebrations for World Environment Day 2023 began in Côte d'Ivoire, where numerous activities were organized. Similar events and initiatives are being prepared worldwide to mark the occasion. The International Organization for Migration is also actively involved in the campaign, aiming to raise awareness and promote environmental action.

This year's World Environment Day holds special significance as it marks the 50th anniversary of the event since its inception in 1973. It continues to emphasize the importance of collective efforts in preserving and protecting our planet for current and future generations.

The theme for World Environment Day 2023 is "Beat Plastic Pollution." Plastic pollution has become a significant global problem that requires urgent action to address. The campaign aims to raise awareness about the adverse effects of plastic pollution and promote the adoption of environmentally friendly alternatives to plastics. The official hashtag for the campaign is #BeatPlasticPollution.

So let’ see what are the environmentally friendly alternatives to plastics available today. Here are some notable alternatives:

It's important to consider the specific environmental impact and disposal requirements of each alternative, as well as their suitability for different applications. Additionally, reducing overall consumption, reusing materials, and recycling existing plastic products whenever possible are also important steps in minimizing our reliance on plastics and promoting sustainability

Rediscovering the Joy of Foraging as a sustainable recreational activity: A Nostalgic Journey

As the warm sun kissed my skin, I couldn't help but reminisce about the delightful summer activity of foraging. The inspiration for this article struck me during a conversation with my dear friend, Heather, who shares my enthusiasm for this age-old tradition. The memories flooded back, transporting me to my childhood days filled with adventure and the discovery of nature's edible treasures.

I learned the art of foraging at a young age from my paternal grandmother, who was a Home Economics teacher in the early 1970s. Her passion for mindful consumption extended to foraging, as I reflect, vivid memories of my grandmother teaching me the art of identifying edible wild mushrooms, greens, and berries come rushing back to me. And she passed on her knowledge to me when I was just four years old. In the early morning, my grandmother and I would stroll through her lush paddy fields, basking in the gentle caress of the sun's rays. I can vividly recall the crisp air that embraced me as I ventured barefoot, the dew-kissed blades of grass bestowing upon my tender feet the boundless vitality of Mother Earth." The awe-inspiring harmony between the boundless vitality of Mother Nature and the ancestral wisdom bestowed upon me by my beloved grandmother has metamorphosed me into an ardent environmentalist, brimming with an immense capacity for empathy towards the exquisite wonders of the natural world. The pulsating energy exuded by the Earth's very essence, coupled with the profound teachings passed down through generations, has kindled within me a profound affectionate resonance towards nature's bountiful treasures.

After many years, I had the opportunity to learn about foraging in a more structured and methodical way through the Ethnobotany subject during my second year of my BSc Degree in Natural Sciences in 2008. Ethnobotany is the study of the interrelationship between people and plants, exploring the role of plants in human culture and practices, how they have been used and modified by humans, and how they are represented in various systems of knowledge. It examines the local plant knowledge (LPK) and practices of different communities, including traditional foraging practices. Now let's move from my childhood memories to delve into fascinating facts about foraging.

Foraging, the age-old practice of gathering wild foods from the environment, has experienced resurgence in recent years. As people seek a more sustainable lifestyle and a deeper connection with nature, foraging offers an enticing opportunity to explore and appreciate the abundance of edible plants, herbs, mushrooms, and fruits that grow freely in our surroundings. This article aims to shed light on the captivating world of foraging and provide tips on how to make the experience even more appealing and rewarding.

Embracing the Joy of Discovery:

Foraging is not merely a means of acquiring sustenance; it is a journey of exploration and connection. Imagine stumbling upon a hidden mulberry tree, its branches heavy with juicy berries, or discovering a patch of fragrant wild rosemary. These moments of serendipity add an element of excitement and wonder to the act of foraging, making it a truly delightful experience.

Cultivating Environmental Stewardship:

By engaging in foraging, we become more attuned to our natural surroundings and develop a deeper appreciation for the environment. It offers an opportunity to observe the subtle changes in seasons, weather patterns, and the interplay between plants and their ecosystems. Foragers often develop a profound sense of environmental stewardship, as they recognize the importance of preserving and protecting these delicate habitats.

Nourishing the Body and Mind:

Foraging provides a unique opportunity to diversify our diets, try new and interesting foods, and enhance our nutrient intake. Wild foods are often rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, offering a natural and wholesome alternative to store-bought produce. Additionally, foraging promotes mindful eating, as we connect with the origins of our food and savor the flavors and textures nature has to offer.

Engaging the Senses:

Foraging is a multisensory experience that allows us to engage with nature on a deeper level. As we explore the landscape, we rely on our senses of sight, smell, touch, and taste to identify and assess the edibility of various plants and mushrooms. The intoxicating aroma of wild herbs, the vibrant colors of berries, and the textures of leaves and fungi under our fingertips create a rich sensory tapestry that enhances the foraging experience.

Learning from Experts:

To embark on a successful foraging journey, it is crucial to learn from experienced foragers who can impart their knowledge and guide us in safely identifying and harvesting wild foods. There are numerous foraging guides, books, and courses available that provide valuable insights into the world of foraging. Connecting with local foraging communities and attending workshops or guided foraging walks can also enhance our understanding and appreciation of this ancient practice.

Foraging in Urban Environments:

Contrary to popular belief, foraging is not limited to rural landscapes. Urban foraging has gained popularity as city dwellers recognize the potential of their local green spaces, parks, and even abandoned lots as sources of edible treasures. Urban foraging enables individuals to engage with their native environments, diversify their diets, and reduce their ecological footprint by accessing locally grown foods. It offers a unique perspective on the urban landscape and challenges traditional notions of food production and consumption.

Sustainable harvesting:

When foraging, it is crucial to practice sustainable harvesting techniques to ensure the conservation, preservation and regeneration of plant populations for future generations and other living beings. To achieve this, it is recommended not to take the entire plant or tree during foraging. Instead, leave the root system intact and avoid harvesting the flowering parts and some fruity portions of the plant.

Leaving the root system undisturbed allows the plant to continue growing and reproducing, ensuring its long-term survival. By leaving the flowering parts, you allow the plant to produce seeds, enabling natural propagation and supporting the growth of future generations of plants. Furthermore, leaving some fruity parts of the plant ensures that animals and other organisms that rely on these resources for food and habitat can continue to benefit from them. It's important to remember that responsible foraging involves understanding local regulations and guidelines, respecting private property, and only harvesting within legal and ethical boundaries. By doing so, you contribute to the sustainability of foraging and help maintain the ecological balance of the local environment.

Foraging is an ancient practice that continues to captivate and inspire people in the modern world. By foraging, we not only unlock the bountiful treasures of the natural world but also develop a profound sense of connection with the environment. With its potential to enrich our diets, expand our culinary horizons, and foster environmental stewardship, foraging offers an enticing and attractive way to engage with nature and rediscover the abundance of the world around us.

Remember, when venturing into the world of foraging, it is essential to educate ourselves, respect the environment, and ensure the safety of the plants we consume. Thanks to the conversation with my dear friend Heather, I have been reminded of the magic that lies within this beautiful summer activity. So, put on your walking shoes, grab a basket, and immerse yourself in the wonders of summer foraging. Nature's bounty awaits!

Happy foraging!

Foraging Lambsquarter: Nature's Nutrient-Rich Lambsquarter

A Summer Foraging Adventure

Amidst the radiant warmth of summer, I embarked on another delightful foraging journey yesterday morning, eagerly searching for the next fascinating addition to my wild edibles list. Foraging, one of my oldest and dearest hobbies, beautifully aligns with my commitment to sustainable living. As I strolled through the verdant landscape, I marveled at the bounty nature offers, particularly the vibrant and nutritious lambsquarter. 

Introduction to Lambsquarter (Chenopodium album)

Lambsquarter, also known as wild spinach or white goosefoot, is a versatile and nutritious wild green that belongs to the Plantae kingdom, specifically within the Angiosperms clade. As a member of the Amaranthaceae family, the Chenopodium genus, and C. album species, this plant is not only widespread but also packed with nutrients. Foraging lambsquarter offers an excellent opportunity to incorporate fresh, organic greens into your diet while connecting with nature.

Identifying Lambsquarter

Lambsquarter is a hardy plant that thrives in various environments, from fertile gardens to neglected urban spaces. Recognizing this plant is crucial for safe foraging:

Nutritional Benefits

Lambsquarter is often compared to spinach for its rich nutrient profile. It is a powerhouse of vitamins and minerals, including:

Foraging Tips

Foraging lambsquarter requires knowledge and respect for the environment. Here are some tips to ensure a successful and sustainable harvest:

Culinary Uses

Lambsquarter's mild, spinach-like flavor makes it a versatile ingredient in the kitchen. Here are some ways to enjoy this wild green:

My Signature Recipe 

Lambsquarter (Chenopodium album) is not a native plant to Sri Lanka, and there is no established tradition of incorporating it into Sri Lankan culinary practices. As a result, this nutrient-rich plant remains relatively unfamiliar in the local cuisine,but I cooked these special greens in a very delicious way, using all the rich Sri Lankan spices and coconut milk. I always use coconut milk when cooking wild edibles, as it helps dilute some of the strong components and potential harmful chemicals in the plants. Here, I share my recipe for cooking lambsquarter as a typical Sri Lankan dish:

Sri Lankan Style Lambsquarter with Coconut Milk




While lambsquarter is generally safe to eat, there are a few precautions to consider:

Foraging lambsquarter is an enriching activity that connects you with nature and provides a source of fresh, nutritious greens. By learning to identify, harvest, and prepare this wild spinach, you can enjoy its many health benefits while promoting sustainable foraging practices. Whether you're a seasoned forager or a beginner, lambsquarter offers a delightful addition to your culinary adventures and a deeper appreciation for the natural world.