"I contributed to the development of educational resources and instructional manuals centered around environmental education and sustainable development. My involvement in this effort included the following experiences." 

The project, “Learnings from Tsunami” is an attempt to understand and analyze efforts undertaken by several stakeholders including governments, international aid agencies, donor agencies, individuals and communities in response to tsunami. Documentation of best practice case-studies from four countries India , Indonesia , Sri Lanka and Maldives was the foundation for the creation of all these documents. Based on the inputs, a set of three publications were developed as “Lessons from the Asian Tsunami- 2004”. These are: 

Spirit of Survival

Stories from the Depths of a Tsunami 

Threads of Disaster Management

Weaving Youth Insights from Tsunami Response into a Learning Document, an Analytical Report and Guidelines for the various stakeholders who work in any post-disaster situation. 

Youth for Clan Air 

YCA is a project conducted by South Asian Youth Environment Network, Centre For Environment Education, India , with support from UNEP, as a part of the implementation of the Malé Declaration on Control and Prevention of Air Pollution and its Likely Trans boundary Effects for South Asia. The project was launched on 2 on 20th August, 2008 . “Youth for Clean Air” book  published by the SAYEN and the Malé Declaration to encourage various stakeholders, especially the young people, to contribute towards the control and prevention of air pollution in South Asia . 

This publication, targeted to the youth, plays an essential role, as the world gears up to face the biggest challenge of our time: Climate Change. The publication also underlines the multiple environmental, economic and social benefits of tackling the twin challenges of climate change and air quality and thus promotes measures for climate change mitigation, alongside measures to control and prevent air pollution. It inspires the youth with creative and innovative ways of promoting a low-emission society and a transition to a low carbon one, not only in South Asia but around the globe. 

We Hold Our Future

CEE, the SAYEN Secretariat in close partnership with UNEP has developed “We Hold Our Future” - a publication on the Youth perspectives on Sustainable Development. 

Written by youth themselves, 8 goals and 23 targetsfor SD in South Asia have been identified to address the transboundary environmental issues, emphasizing the need to develop strong cultural ties among all nations in the sub-region.

The publication shares some of the best practices from the sub-region and mentions some key actions/ project ideas that youth could undertake/ proposes to be undertaken for SD in South Asia . These include eco-housing, eco-transportation, bio-fertilizer, organic farming, green curriculum, herbal medicine; water shed management, waste management, bicycle lanes, peace concerts etc.

Green Belt Report (GBR) - Community outreach programs 

I engaged with the GBR project as an Environmental Educator. GBR is an educational media project involving TV, video, web, The Greenbelt Reports (GBR) was filmed at 12 locations in 4 Asian countries: India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Thailand. It covers 3 coastal ecosystems or ‘greenbelts’ -- coral reefs, mangroves and sand reefs, and features inspiring stories on Asians trying to balance environmental conservation and economic development.